Day 55

Beef Jerky

It takes so long to chew one of these mummified meat bites that it’s more of a hobby than a snack. I took a sample from a pack that was lingering in our house from Christmas. The bag has a giant Jeff Foxworthy face on it, lending another level of low-brow to an already low-brow treat. Not sure how it got here, and no one is admitting to anything, but smart money is on my husband. Anyway, it was salty and rich and time consuming, both dry and greasy at the same time. You have to really get in touch with your wild side to gnaw off a chunk. One bite was definitely enough. But if I were lost in the woods, hours away from any other edibles, I wouldn’t turn down another taste.

5 Comments to “Day 55”

  1. Beef Jerky isn’t too bad, if you get homemade or make it yourself. But now that I think about it, the time that it takes to actually make beef jerky isn’t worth the product it produces….

  2. My mom used to make her own beef jerky – talk about some amazing stuff! Plus, you didn’t have to be afraid to eat it.

  3. Your blog is lovely and your sketches a treasure. I think beef jerky is an abomination but, because I am a chef and adventurous when it comes to food, in South Africa I tried “biltong”, their version of jerky – you can find it with no preservatives or other terrible crap in it and, who knew? it was moist and soft and delicious! Have you worked your way to liver yet? Really hate that..

  4. I have something of a soft spot for jerky, but it needs to be moist and tender – not dry and brittle. I like it with teriyaki sauce…mmmm…

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